Server Permissions
Permissions can be assigned to groups and individual players on a server. These permissions control what a player may or may not do on the server. Many of the permissions control which commands can be used by players.
Permission | Description |
adminMessageReceive | Receives messages sent to the admin channel |
adminMessageSend | Allows sending messages to the admin channel |
hideAdmin | Doesn't show |
privateMessage | Allows sending private messages directly to other players. Players will be able to message admins (players with an |
rejoin | Allows rejoining instantly, regardless of |
requireIdentify | Requires callsign to identify before allowed to spawn |
shortBan | Allows bans with limited duration only |
showAdmin | Gives player an |
spawn | Allows joining the game as a player; observers don't need this permission |
talk | Allows sending messages |
Some commands require a permission to use them.
Permission | Granted Command(s) |
actionMessage | /me |
ban | |
banlist | |
clientquery | /clientquery |
countdown | /countdown |
date | |
endGame | /gameover |
flagHistory | /flaghistory |
flagMaster | /flag <give | take> |
flagMod | /flag <up | show | reset> |
idlestats | /idlestats |
jitterwarn | |
kick | /kick |
kill | /kill |
lagstats | /lagstats |
lagwarn | |
listPlugins | /listplugins |
masterban | /masterban |
modcount | /modcount |
mute | /mute |
packetlosswarn | |
playerList | /playerlist |
plugins | |
poll | /poll |
pollBan | /poll ban |
pollFlagReset | /poll flagreset |
pollKick | /poll kick |
pollKill | /poll kill |
pollSet | /poll set |
record | /record |
replay | /replay |
report | /report |
say | /say |
sendHelp | /sendhelp |
setAll | |
setVar | |
showOthers | |
shutdownServer | /shutdownserver |
superkill | /superkill |
unban | |
unmute | /unmute |
veto | /veto |
viewReports | /viewreports |
vote | /vote |
Command Immunity
These permissions provides immunity to a specific command.
Permission | Immune to Command |
antiban | /ban |
antikick | /kick |
antikill | /kill |
antipoll | /poll |
antipollban | /poll ban |
antipollkick | /poll kick |
antipollkill | /poll kill |